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Hello my name is Cheryl Foxworth.

I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and AAMFT Approved Clinical Supervisor in Pennsylvania. For over 20-years I have worked with families in distress. I believe that most often the negative experiences we have in childhood corrupts our true sense of being. These early childhood issues often results in a disconnect with our true self. How tragic this can be but there is hope. I would love to think that "What does not kill us will only make us stronger. " This is a quote from philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche that has become my personal mantra. We must learn how to live beyond our hurt....
I work with a diverse population of individuals and families in addressing abuse, trauma, and major life changes. Prolonged exposure to/with pain can negatively impact how we feel about ourselves and others. So, let me help you gain a greater sense of your uniqueness and overlooked gifts. I am here for you. Let's discover a new approach to nagging issue(s).
Let's discover a new approach to some old issues. Just give me a call. Let's start the healing process today.

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